Keywords: financial planning, economic planning, optimization of planning decisions, financial strategy


The article notes that in modern conditions of the market economy, the need for rational financial planning of the activities of small enterprises is increasing. The main factors affecting the implementation of financial planning at a small enterprise, which inhibit the sustainable development of the enterprise, have been studied. The most effective type of financial planning for a small enterprise is proposed. It was concluded that budgeting and the financial plan can become tools that will contribute to the economic growth of small enterprises. The current state of market relations in Ukraine shows that the financial planning system is a necessary prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of the financial activities of enterprises. The effectiveness of the financial activity of any enterprise is determined by its ability to effectively manage the formation and use of available financial resources, therefore, it is on the basis of financial planning that it is possible to predict and take into account all changes occurring in the external environment of the enterprise, to adapt the internal factors of the financial activity of the enterprise for its growth and development . In connection with this, the implementation of financial planning at the enterprise becomes especially relevant. Financial planning at the enterprise plays a special role in ensuring financial stability, as it is related to the resource factor - the formation, placement and use of financial resources and obtaining profit on the capital invested in economic activity. It is in the process of financial planning that the enterprise's need for capital is economically substantiated and the prerequisites for the enterprise's financial stability are created. In this regard, it is important for every enterprise to skillfully manage assets and the sources of their formation. Achieving this goal should be facilitated by the effective organization of financial planning of the enterprise. Current economic transformations, frequent manifestations of the state of economic uncertainty, competition make it necessary to find qualitatively new approaches to managing the financial and economic activities of small business enterprises, therefore one of the primary and important tasks of managing individual enterprises, including small businesses, is the improvement of financial management in functions of financial planning.


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How to Cite
Dergaliuk, B., & Derkach, N. (2023). FINANCIAL PLANNING AT THE SMALL ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (57).