Keywords: inflation rate, exchange rate, macro-financial stability, PFTS index, external debt, budget deficit


The current state of the national economy requires the development of scientific foundations for the formation of an effective policy of state financial regulation with the aim of macro-financial stabilization and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the country. The article examines the problem of macro-financial stability of Ukraine in wartime conditions. To assess the state of the state's financial system, a clearly structured and sufficiently complete system of financial indicators and indicators is necessary, with the help of which the state has the opportunity not only to observe the trends in the development of financial processes, but also to influence them in order to achieve certain financial and socio-economic goals. The dynamics of the main financial macroeconomic indicators were analyzed: the inflation rate and exchange rate, the discount rate of the central bank and the lending rates of commercial banks, the volume of credit resources, the state budget, the budget deficit, the size of the state's external debt, the state of the stock market. As a result of the analysis of the indicators, an increase in the hryvnia exchange rate against the US dollar was revealed, while the NBU managed to fix the exchange rate of the national currency for a certain time; a decrease in the level of inflation, an increase in the volume of external public debt; received funds are spent on current needs; decline in business activity; decrease in the solvency of the state; the deterioration of the state of the financial market (decrease in the PFTS index), the growth of the discount rate, the growth of the budget deficit, the volume of lending decreased. The state needed to cover the balance of payments deficit; ensuring international trade and economic and credit and financial relations; the country's ability to ensure timely repayment of its international obligations. In the draft state budget for the next year (2023), it is planned to maintain macro-financial stability. In addition, the priorities of the state budget for 2023 are preservation of macro-financial stability, financing of the Armed Forces and support of people.


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How to Cite
Halustian, R. (2023). MACRO-FINANCIAL STABILITY IN WARTIME UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (54).