Keywords: small towns, urban settlements, development problems, development programmes, local development, urban potential


The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience in the development of small towns. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of Poland in the development of small urban settlements. The article outlines the main problems of development of small towns in Poland. The main directions of government policy to support Polish municipalities are identified. This paper outlines the main goals and results of the development of small towns in Poland. It also analyses the development programmes of Polish urban settlements. In particular, the implementation of the Local Development programme envisages the application of the necessary comprehensive and coordinated actions aimed at improving air quality, adapting to climate change, reducing the negative trends of depopulation and ageing of the nation, creating good conditions for business development and increasing the efficiency of local administration. The Partnership Cities Initiative (PCI) programme addresses the need to develop and strengthen knowledge on capacity building and modernisation of Polish cities. The idea of the PСI is to support the development needs of the city through proposals and knowledge exchange between cities with the involvement of subject matter experts. The implementation of the PCI involves the participation of cities in three thematic networks: Digital City, Green City, and City of Public-Private Partnership Initiatives. It has been determined that the main objective of small town development programmes in Poland is to address a number of economic, social, institutional and environmental issues. It is concluded that a characteristic feature of the implementation of urban development programmes in Poland is the development of the internal potential of cities, involvement of the local population in this process, development of digital technologies, promotion of the use of public-private partnership tools, and environmental protection. The practical value of this study lies in the possibility of using the results obtained to develop a national strategy for the support and development of small towns.


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How to Cite
Stoika, V., & Sember, S. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL CITIES: EXPERIENCE OF POLAND. Economy and Society, (54).