Keywords: public administration, crisis, organizational structure, structural factors, administrative reform


The article considers the signs of emergence and ways to overcome crises in the system of public administration of Ukraine and its impact on the effectiveness of administrative reforms. It is noted that the classification of types of public administration systems can be carried out by structural, structural-functional, functional-cultural factors and administrative culture, which often lead to a crisis from the middle of the management system. The experience of the European Union shows that, despite the fact that there is no single unified model of public administration, avoidance of crisis processes, strengthen administrative capacity is possible only if all political forces are consolidated. The analysis of this experience is extremely useful for the formation and implementation of ways to overcome crises in the public administration system. The economic basis of the political crisis in Ukraine and its regions is oligarchic property, whose representatives control the system of public administration, local self-government and the political system of the country. Such a symbiosis in the face of opposition from domestic oligarchs has led to the lowest social development among the leading CIS countries. Ukraine's profitability is three times lower than in Russia and three times lower than in Belarus. The most likely scenario for overcoming the political crisis is to unite the oligarchic interests of the representatives of Ukraine and other states. In any case, the problem of low profitability of the country is not eliminated. To solve it, it is necessary to create a fundamentally new ownership structure as the economic basis for successful socio-economic development. Thus, the principles of effective anti-crisis public administration should be: scientific analysis and forecasting of trends; methodology for developing risky solutions; the quality of the anti-crisis program; strategy in management; the art of crisis management; professionalism of crisis management; efficiency, flexibility of management, time factor; crisis monitoring and human factor: staff, values, motivation.


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How to Cite
Martinovich, V., & Rudenko, O. (2020). SIGNS OF CRISIS IN THE PUBLIC GOVERNANCE SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (22).