Keywords: ecologization, business, business security, environmental measures, rational consumption, effect


The article analyzes the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the interpretation of the concept ecologization and highlights the key features by which it’s considered. The following features have been identified: development, the link between technological and economic components of business security, the diversity of socio-economic activities, human consciousness and responsibility, sustainable development for industries, reducing destructive impact, the process and support of generations. It is determined that ecologization affects not only the environmental sphere of development, but also economic and social. The advantages and disadvantages that may arise as a result of the introduction of environmental measures are analyzed. In the economic sphere, increasing the trend of environmental awareness among the population creates opportunities to expand the base of customers who have a conscious attitude to the conscious use and protection of the environment. This will increase the target audience of the business, increase profits and enter new markets. At the same time, the possible increase in current costs for the implementation of these measures will have a smaller negative effect than the positive one. In the ecological sphere, the introduction of environmental measures has no significant shortcomings. Choosing the direction of ecologization, its benefits have both, long-term effect, aimed at developing of "green markets" and improving the environment, and short-term, with improving product quality and the environmental component of business security. In the social sphere, business may face the problem of personnel who will be ready to implement and adapt ecologization processes not only from the professional component, but also mentally. After all, employees must also uphold the values of business and chosen vector of its development. At the same time, solving this problem by retraining staff, involving professionals to upgrade their skills will improve the intelligent business security subsystem and change its staff in terms of their competencies.


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How to Cite
Zaichenko, K., & Bolkhovska, A. (2021). ECOLOGIZATION OF BUSINESS AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR INCREASING ITS SECURITY. Economy and Society, (34).