Keywords: digital etiquette, communications, network etiquette, digital culture, netiquette


Digital etiquette is a new type of etiquette that defines the rules of behavioral culture in the digital environment of the Internet. Digital etiquette is not just a new kind of communication interaction; it is one of the new socio-cultural phenomena of digital civilization and modern convergent knowledge of theoretical and applied nature, which is formed as the junction of humanitarian and technical knowledge. The definition of etiquette both as a phenomenon and as a concept is based on the analysis presented in the article. Essential features and distinctive characteristics of digital etiquette are identified. They are including value settings that are determined by the properties of the Third Generation Network (such as digital and physical interaction, actualization of the reputational component of behavioral culture on the Internet, personalization of branding, etc.), which generally indicated the interdisciplinary nature of the new etiquette and the general trend of its development as a digital humanities knowledge. The role and significance of etiquette as a historically established normative and ethical regulator of social relations in the formation and development of a network society are shown. The article examines digital etiquette and communication and its development, trends in modern conditions. The article analyzes the specifics and functions of digital etiquette both as a type of behavioral culture in a virtual environment, and as one of the ways to acquire individual freedom of expression, taking into account the interests of the others. The role and significance of etiquette as a historically formed normative and ethical regulator of social relations in the formation and development of a network society are shown. The principles and rules of using digital etiquette for the needs of Generation Z have been defined and considered, which has defined personal freedom as the main value of one's existence in society. It has been studied that digital ethics or information ethics in the broadest sense refers to the impact of digital information and communication technologies (ICT) on society and the environment in general.


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How to Cite
Andriichenko, Z., Blyznyuk, T., & Maistrenko, O. (2021). DIGITAL ETIQUETTE AND COMMUNICATION: TRENDS AND DEMANDS OF THE PRESENT. Economy and Society, (34).