The article substantiates the main directions of improving the implementation of the components of the marketing complex of the National Preserve «Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra». The concept of marketing activities in a tourist institution and the constituent elements of the marketing mix are defined. Problematic issues in the activities of the National Reserve were identified (reduction of the flow of tourists due to pandemics and quarantine measures, fall of demand for tourist services, lack of feedback and response to consumer inquiries, low awareness of potential consumers about services, reduction of foreign tourists, lack of regular customers, insufficient number of consumers who re-use the services), on the basis of which the authors suggested measures to address them. To improve marketing activities for the product policy of the tourist institution, it is recommended to develop and implement new services, taking into account consumer demands and current realities, including online services, entry on the days when filming, and improving the quality of existing tourist services. The suggestions on the pricing policy of the institution, which should be flexible, respond timely to demand, novelty, seasonality, use a system of discounts and bonuses, are determined. Recommendations on the distribution policy of the tourist institution are aimed at introducing the position of sales manager, introducing e-shop, customer feedback support, incentives to intermediaries. It is important to use innovative sales & distribution channels, automatize the sale of services, make the most of modern internet technologies. In terms of communication policy, ways to disseminate information (various types of advertising), sales promotion activities (lotteries, contests and promotions, gift shopping, quests, organization of historical reconstructions, positioning – the exclusivity of the tourist product), public relations (active communication with journalists), use of Internet space (modernization of the website, activation of pages on Facebook and YouTube, creation of pages on other resources, formation of the base of potential clients from subscribers, development of interesting content, paid promotion on social networks, constant communication with users on social networks, monitoring statistics and website analytics) are suggested. It is emphasized that the implementation of measures to improve the marketing mix will allow to expect specific positive changes.
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