The article states that when studying the factors influencing inclusive economic development, considerable attention should be paid to determining which types of economic and political institutions can be attributed to the country (complex or mining), which, in turn, affects the country's development. However, the characteristics of the political system and the economic system are the same because they are closely linked. Attention should be paid to the characteristics of the political system (government efficiency, degree of corruption, etc.), relative stability of quality indicators and reproducibility in dynamics. The presence of strong inclusive institutions, by definition, leads to faster economic development in the long run, while the exploiting institutions of the economy cannot achieve long-term development, which occurs only in the short term and ceases to exist. One of the areas of analysis is the study of improving economic and political institutions through the introduction of more efficient production organizations, education, urbanization and accumulation of human and social capital, which economically allows the success of modernization projects. Developed countries. In this context, it should be noted that institutional reforms are more likely to fail due to the formation of a privileged class that receives significant rents in transition countries. One of the possible ways to determine the propensity of the economy to inclusive or extractive development, and hence the quality or weakness of institutions, is the analysis of statistical data on the priority specialties for which higher education is obtained. Increasing inequality, continuous technological improvement and the complexity of production have other negative and tangible social consequences. As technology advances and life expectancy declines, the reassessment of life expectancy and human values is at the forefront of education, employment, and job search, while traditional family values such as family creation, childbirth, and parenthood have been pushed aside. The direct consequence of this is the decline in the birth rate and the corresponding demographic problems in developed countries related to the "aging" of the population and the need to attract and adapt to immigrants of different cultures and ways of thinking. Another aspect of the impact of technology on society is that all members quickly adapt to dynamic technological change and "catch up" with technology (lifelong learning, retraining, professions and occupations, place of residence, social status, etc.).
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