Keywords: business process,, reengineering, process redesign, optimization


The article is devoted to topical issues of studying the goals and objectives of business processes of the enterprise, which underlie the activities of any organization and through them provides the implementation of those activities of the enterprise that are related to the production of goods and services. Management of business processes of the enterprise involves their continuous improvement, so the most important management tools are methods of improving business processes. The business process can be represented as a set of different activities, in the initial stages of which are used either single or multiple resources, and at the last stage as a result there is value for the consumer - the product. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of business processes is reengineering, the main purpose of which is to qualitatively improve certain areas of the enterprise. The stages of reengineering business processes include the following stages: the initial, which occurs under the influence of both external and internal factors that have a significant impact on the efficiency of the enterprise; identification, classification of business processes at the enterprise on various grounds and analysis of management models, value chain at the enterprise; diagnostics, weaknesses of business directions are defined, indicators are analyzed, potential of optimization is defined, strategies, goods, execution of orders are analyzed; consideration, search of redesign tools (optimization, reorganization, restructuring, engineering, reengineering) and innovative development; development, goals and tools of reengineering are defined; redesign, development of an ideal business model, redesign of relationships, organization of operational flows in processes, identification of key stakeholders; implementation, new functions are formed, information systems are created, which are necessary for reengineering, integration, etc., special attention is paid to the transition from old to new processes, the elasticity of the transition is determined by the degree of diligence of preparatory work. In order to effectively implement an innovative business model within the existing business, it is necessary to assess new key success factors, develop a new value system, develop new business processes, organizational structure and corporate culture.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, N., & Manzhula, V. (2021). REENGINEERING OF BUSINESS PROCESSES AS A TOOL OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (33).