On the basis of the conducted theoretical research, the article analyses the essence of the concepts "culture of organization" and "organizational culture", establishes the content relationship between them, and makes their differentiation. It is noted that in modern conditions of economic transformation, organizational culture is considered by scientists as one of the effective organizational, managerial, and social mechanisms, which is able to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, development of its economic potential and stability under destabilizing factors. It is proved that so far in the domestic and even in the foreign business and scientific environment there is no single interpretation and contradiction in views on the essence of organizational culture and the implementation of the substitution of this category by the term "culture of organization" with the same meaning. In the context of research methodology, the article analyses the works of both domestic and foreign authors, in which the categories of "culture of organization" and "organizational culture" are considered synonymous and given a scientific assessment. It is emphasized that such an approach to scientific categories, substituting some concepts for others, or vice versa, reducing them to identical ones does not allow to correctly assess the events taking place in the team and often leads to abuses in economics, social and scientific spheres. Some examples of differentiation of the terms "culture of organization" and "organizational culture", endowing them with consistent formulations, by scientists are presented and clarified. However, as stated in the article, such attempts are associated with both subjective and objective difficulties and causes. It has been suggested that such reasons may be the personal authority of scientists who consider these categories as synonyms, the limited scientific and theoretical basis, the changing system of values of society, etc. Studying the problem of the relationship between the two categories of the internal cultural environment of the enterprise and relying on scientists who try to identify the objective nature of the categories under study, the author comes to the following conclusions. The culture of the organization is the material and spiritual potential of the enterprise, and the total capital of the enterprise is the basis of its development. Organizational culture is an integral element of the culture of the organization, reflecting the spiritual worldview, skills and art of personnel management. The basis of organizational culture is the human capital and its intellectual reserve.
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