Keywords: rural areas, agriculture, public policy, employment, development


The issues related to the development of the agro-industrial complex, rural areas, villages, and rural population in Ukraine are paid much attention by both the society and central government. The purpose of the socio-economic policy of the state is to build a model of development that helps Ukraine to reach the living standard of citizens in a developed European country. The current situation requires the use of the necessary mechanisms to create favorable conditions for the integrated development of rural areas. Its important aspects are also the formation of competitive internal and external markets for the agricultural sector and the resolution of social problems in rural areas. These factors form the basis of the relevance for this paper. One of the successful examples of rural development are rural areas in Poland. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of the rural development in Poland as an example for the development of rural areas in Ukraine. It should be noted that rural areas in Poland are very diverse and have different development problems, so there cannot be a single policy for all of them: each region needs unique and detailed development programs. The current state of rural development in Poland is the result of economic policy implemented during and after the systemic transformation. However, the country systematically develops strategic development plans that meet European standards and principles of an efficient agrarian economy. If rural areas in Ukraine are still traditionally associated with agribusiness, in Poland they are characterized by a number of integrated processes that affect their development. Therefore, there is a need to analyze existing problems, ways to overcome them, to study successful results both for the development of agriculture and raising the living standard of the rural population. It is Poland’s process of solving rural development problems that should be an example for Ukraine. The objective of this paper was to analyze the state of rural areas in Poland and suggest successful ways of their development in Ukraine. The paper presented the analysis and specifics of the functioning of rural areas in Poland. The interpretation of the concept of “rural areas” was presented, taking into account their statuses, development trends, and key problematic aspects of their development. The factors that influenced the current state of agricultural development in rural areas, the impact of administrative and territorial reforms on the functioning of rural areas were analyzed. The key problems of rural areas, in particular demographic problems, the shares of the population living in cities and villages, were determined and listed. The proposals for the implementation of Polish expertise and further development of rural areas in Ukraine were formulated.


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How to Cite
Kostetska, I. (2021). THE SPECIFICS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN POLAND. Economy and Society, (33).