Keywords: management, strategy, strategic management, fish farming industry, enterprises, competitiveness


The article is devoted to the topical issue of strategic management in fisheries enterprises as a factor of their competitiveness, given the underestimated potential of these enterprises as participants in the agro-industrial sector. The current challenges and threats inherent in the environment in which fisheries enterprises operate today negatively affect the competitiveness of these enterprises, and therefore require the search for effective tools that can ensure a high level of competitiveness in the long run. Competitiveness is the defining characteristic of the enterprise, which allows it to effectively carry out production and economic activities and ensure the achievement of profitable results, given the conditions of a competitive market. Strategic management is a tool that aims to help fisheries enterprises "survive" and be competitive despite the influence of various negative factors, given that fisheries enterprises are a kind of open system, which is influenced by both external and internal factors. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and importance, as well as to justify the need for strategic management in fisheries enterprises to ensure competitive advantage and increase their competitiveness. The following research methods were used in writing the article: observation and theoretical generalization – to analyze the scientific literature on the topic of this study, revealing the essence of the term "strategy" and the term "strategic management", method of analysis, synthesis and formalization - to determine the main principles of strategic management and, accordingly, to build an algorithm for the process of strategic management in fisheries enterprises as a factor in their competitiveness. The reasons for the need for strategic management in fisheries enterprises are identified, the importance of strategic management for the successful operation of fisheries enterprises in the long run is identified and the main stages of strategic management in fisheries enterprises are outlined. The basic principles of the strategic management system as a factor in increasing their competitiveness in the long run are identified. The results obtained and the practical value of this study are reduced to the need to implement strategic management in fisheries as a factor in their competitiveness in the long run.


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