The article is devoted to a new method of presenting information about the state of the company – integrated reporting. The purpose of this article is to develop theoretical and practical bases related to the implementation and preparation of integrated reporting and the formation of information for such reporting. The complexity of the economic system, which forms market relations, requires the accounting system of special professional thinking on the organization of accounting, which ensures the reliability of financial statements. With the advent of the international standard of integrated reporting, there is a need to introduce integrated thinking, through which it is possible to understand the process of value creation over time. In this regard, the relevance of this article is that the standardization of integrated reporting will give companies and users of such reporting the opportunity to represent the real interaction of the company with the external environment and capital to create value. Methods of scientific knowledge, such as description, classification, observation and analysis, were used in writing this article. The results of this article are the systematization of information about the essence of integrated reporting and prospects for its development and existing restrictions for use by Ukrainian companies. The main advantage of the new model of integrated reporting is the inclusion of all non-financial, but critical indicators for the functioning of the business. This will improve its quality and reflect the significant impact of environmental, social and supervisory factors: the use of natural resources, the protection of human rights and the impact of business on social phenomena and climate change. This information will be a tremendous basis for business management. This study can be further used as a basis for improving the methodology of integrated reporting. The results presented in the article are intended for a wide range of interested readers and can be used in organizations when deciding on the feasibility of an integrated report.
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