Keywords: social security, local budget, local communities, social protection, social services


The study found that the implementation of state policy on social security in local communities is important for the effectiveness of these services. The well-being of community members depends on the effectiveness of social services and a coordinated mechanism for implementing public policy. As a result of the research, the purpose of the research was formed and it was established that the provision of social services by local governments at the level of the territorial community is one of the priority areas of community development. Recommendations for the implementation of social protection and increase the effectiveness of its implementation in territorial communities are substantiated. The main areas of social security in local communities are the establishment of adequate funding for the formation of the local budget in order to provide timely and effective social services. Continuous monitoring and control of the provision of targeted social services to vulnerable groups of the community will ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of state social security policy. Financing of social security expenditures is carried out at the expense of state and local budgets. However, under the influence of decentralization reforms, a significant part of social security expenditures is covered by local budget expenditures. Improving the efficiency of the use of budget funds at the local level requires the definition of a guaranteed minimum of services to be compensated from the central budget. It is important to take into account the regional characteristics of communities in the formation of national policies in the field of social protection in order to establish equal opportunities to ensure an adequate level of material well-being of the population. The study found that social security in local communities can be divided into the following main areas of interaction between community leadership and the population: planning local budget expenditures on social security should take into account not only the number of vulnerable groups who are potential users of social services, but also the possible level provision of these services. Interaction of the leadership of territorial communities with representatives of social services, which provide a mechanism for the implementation of social protection and monitoring the provision of social services are important areas in the provision of quality social services.


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How to Cite
Bondar, M., & Chemodurova, E. (2021). SOCIAL SECURITY IN TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Economy and Society, (33).

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