Keywords: logistics supply chains, Covid-19, logistics technologies, risk management


The article is devoted to the study of the main problems of international supply chains caused by the Covid-19 crisis, as well as the study of prospects for the development of logistics management through the use of new technologies. The Covid-19 pandemic has been shown to have caused an imbalance of supply and demand in international markets over the past few years, which has significantly affected supply chains and caused a global logistics crisis. The gradual resumption of production and the revival of international trade have exacerbated the problem of international logistics. Complex logistics system that transfers raw materials, components and products around the world requires predictability and accuracy – factors that have been lost. There was a shortage of transport containers, and prices for some routes have skyrocketed. It is revealed that today managers of the companies should solve the following problems of supply chains: imbalance of supply and demand in different segments, lack of supplies, problems of stock allocation, reduced productivity. For effective anti-crisis management of logistics processes, it is important for companies to monitor the current situation constantly and optimize internal routine processes in the company. It was found that during pandemic logistics companies focus on three main factors – security, cost-effectiveness and communication with customers. The role of strategic planning and risk management in the effective response to system failures in the functioning of logistics supply chains is shown. It is revealed that the future of overcoming the coronavirus crisis in the field of logistics is in digital technologies such as e-commerce, real-time tracking, artificial intelligence, digital supply network, the use of drones and parcel machines, omni-channel logistics. Digital technologies improve transparency of supply chains that is very important in conditions of anti-crisis management. Using new technologies improves communication between companies, customers and intermediaries, provides rapid response, improves asset efficiency, reduces costs and increases revenue of a company.


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How to Cite
Pasichnyk, P. T. (2021). INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY CHAINS IN THE CONDITIONS OF COVID-19 CRISIS. Economy and Society, (33).