Keywords: management, personnel, innovations, management technologies, integrated indicator, evaluation


The article is devoted to the study of modern technologies of personnel management and the formation and implementation of management technologies on an innovative basis. The methodological basis of the research was made by the scientific works of domestic, foreign scientists and leading experts, statistical and analytical materials of public authorities. The current realities of doing business show that in the process of human resource management, domestic senior managers in most cases do not focus on the use of innovative management technologies, but only take into account personal views, intuition, especially in matters of employment and punishment. staff promotion. This is primarily due to the lack of time and financial resources to conduct a thorough analysis and determine the most promising candidate for the position. The necessity of using differentiated innovative approaches and management styles for different categories of employees in general and for each employee in particular, depending on the current situation, is substantiated. Modern methods of personnel evaluation are studied. It is proposed to take into account the current development trends in the research group and in the development of scientific and methodological approaches to assessing the level of professional qualification of employees. It is justified the feasibility of using the method of taxonomic analysis with additional consideration of the share of each factor on the integrated indicator in determining the individual integrated indicator of staff competitiveness during the study period. It is proposed to take into account the existing levels of fluctuations among the surveyed employees and the share of influence of each factor on the integrated indicator during the determining the integrated indicator of staff competitiveness in the middle of the study group. It is proposed to use both methods simultaneously to obtain the highest quality research results. The symbiosis of the proposed methods will not only identify the best candidate for career advancement, but also will create an effective mechanism for managing the development of subordinates by introducing permanent and transparent monitoring of changes in their personal and business characteristics.


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How to Cite
Makarenko, S., Likanova, A., & Plieshivtseva, A. (2021). INTRODUCTION OF INNOVATIVE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES. Economy and Society, (33).