The article is devoted to topical issues of the process of development and implementation of management information systems. Research in the field of development of automated information management systems, as well as practical recommendations and regulations for the development and implementation of information management systems of international economic relations are aimed at creating such systems mainly for enterprises, international and non-governmental organizations. However, the issue of management information system for public structures, territorial communities was insufficiently developed. The peculiarities of the development of management information systems for local governments are outlined. The example of Lviv City Council reveals the difference between the stages of creation of these systems in terms of studying the object of management, its organizational structure, defining its type, describing the functions and powers of key officials, tasks of individual departments, analyzing communication schemes, decomposition and reengineering processes of territorial communities. An algorithm for implementing the scenario of development and implementation (modernization) of management information systems is built. When creating the algorithm, the path of designing a new and unique management information system was chosen, as it would be much more expensive to transform the organizational structure of the Lviv City Council into a standardized one than to design a new one. In this way, the risks of increasing the level of conflict within the Lviv City Council can be completely avoided. The interstate standard “Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems "on the repeal and proposed changes to take into account the specifics of local governments. Further research should be conducted in the direction of proposals for a new version or replacement of the interstate standard on information systems to determine and plan costs for the development and implementation of management information system, their financing, finding investors and other stakeholders in changing the management information system of Lviv City Council.
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