The article is devoted to the study of the process of formation of international strategy in the enterprise, the peculiarities of its formation and the tools used by companies. The creation of an international marketing strategy is the result of a carefully organized analytical process. To ensure the rationality of decision-making on entering a new market, the model of forming a strategic plan should be simple and informative. Although there are many strategies, it will have unique components for each business. Various algorithms for creating an international strategy are analyzed. After systematizing the information from several sources, the algorithm for the company's entry into the international market was refined. The process of choosing an international strategy by an enterprise is studied, the most difficult stage is chosen and the goal of choosing a strategy is identified. The stages of the process of choosing a foreign market for the enterprise are studied. To formulate the full process of forming an international marketing strategy, its input and output elements are identified. Examples of foreign experience in the impact of reputation on international strategy are given. The organizational structure when entering the international market may change, the next step is to review the functionality of staff for the new market, which teams will communicate and exchange new ideas. The process of choosing an international market is considered. Advice on choosing a strategy for entering the international market is provided. Each stage of strategy formation is analyzed. Analytical approaches for the analysis of selected markets are investigated. The company's steps after the creation of the strategy and what the company faces during the implementation of the strategy are systematized. The difference between the international and national marketing strategy of the company is studied. The formation of effective competitive strategies is a special problem for Ukraine, because in order to enter the international market, they must meet modern requirements and ensure not only the development of competitive activity.
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