Keywords: regional development, strategic support, quality of life, social component, ecological component, Carpathian region


The current article substantiates the strategic priorities of the regional policy for improving the social and environmental components of the quality of life of the population in the Carpathian region of Ukraine. The key advantages, disadvantages and opportunities for further improvement of the process of strategizing the socio-ecological development of the region have been identified. It was found that despite the obvious progress in ecologization and humanization of the economy, the Carpathian region of Ukraine faced a number of challenges (practical difficulties in implementing adopted programs and strategies, lack of resources and financial capacity to implement the declared goals, etc.) due to shortcomings in strategic support of environmental and social components of quality of life in the region. Among them, in particular, it is worth noting the excessive formalization and stereotyping of the methodology of developing, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of regional development strategies and action plans for their implementation; lack of comprehensive assessments of environmental and social implications and coherence of existing strategic documents; declarativeness of many ideas and provisions, disregard for the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the state and changes in the social and economic systems of the regions (except for the programs for developing health systems in the analyzed territories); controversial goals regarding strengthening of social and environmental components of quality of life in the context of resource capacities of the regions. New initiatives in the field of ecologization and social progress are proposed, as well as expanding of cooperation between the territories of the Carpathian region to improve living standards in terms of the current challenges and societal inquiries. Special emphasis is put on the need to use smart technologies, digital solutions and organizational innovations in the social and environmental spheres of the Carpathian region, as well as the need to develop effective economic and administrative incentives for environmental protection with appropriate legal support.


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