The purpose of the article is to analysis and improve business planning in the context of the development of foreign economic activity of the enterprise. This tool of economic activity acquires particular importance at the stage of economic development, since the need for a more detailed and comprehensive application of modern planning elements to ensure the viability and planned competitiveness of the enterprise is objectively increasing. The main provisions of the scientific novelty are the determination of the features of the development and presentation of business plans, as well as the justification of the feasibility of their development independently and using international standards. It is on the basis of planning the further behavior of its business in the international market that the company gets a real opportunity to minimize the internal and part of the external risks of the company, to maintain the flexibility of company management. A business plan for foreign economic activity is a document that analyzes the main problems that an enterprise may face in carrying out its activities in the international arena, and determines the main ways to solve these problems. It is with the help of a business plan for foreign economic activity that the top management of an enterprise can assess what market shocks its business can withstand, and adequately cope with many inevitable problems. The modern economic situation associated with the active development of market relations and the country's course towards European integration determines a new approach to internal and external economic planning of activities, which is becoming especially relevant today. Business plan for foreign economic activity is a systematic assessment of the prospects for the development of an organization based on the analysis of factors of the internal and external environment. The planning process itself encourages the entrepreneur to objectively look at his business from all angles. Foreign practice of managing enterprises that have achieved significant success in business uses business planning among the many applied management methods. The analysis of the methodology for drawing up and effective implementation of the business plan is carried out, recommendations are given for use in the foreign economic activity of the enterprise.
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