The article draws attention to the fact that the processing industry is an important sector of the Ukrainian national economy. The processing industry provides the export potential and the domestic market supplement. It is determined that the purpose of the article is to characterize the state and features of the development of processing enterprises of Kherson region. The relevance of monitoring the indicators of industrial development at the level of individual regions is substantiated. The main indicators of the functioning of the processing industry of the Kherson region are analyzed, namely: the number of operating enterprises, production output, gross value added. The analysis of the indices dynamics of physical output and gross value added. The indices of industrial production in 2015–2020 in terms of manufacturing industries are given. It is determined that 63% of industrial products are products of the processing industry. The structure of sales of products of the processing industry by types of activity is analyzed. It was found that in the structure of sold industrial products the largest share is occupied by the food production industry. The dynamics of the production of certain types of food products: cheese, flour, cereals, bread, etc. are presented. Data on the dynamics of production of some non-food products are also presented: wooden pallets, construction mixtures, grout, metal structures, etc. The dynamics of capital investment inflows to processing enterprises are analyzed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the processing industry of the Kherson region is in a situation of crisis, which lasts more than a year. Despite the positive dynamics of increasing the number of economic entities, production and sales of industrial products are declining in many subsectors. In order to improve the situation, the article suggests a number of directions: investment attraction; expansion of markets; accelerating the adaptation of local enterprises to product quality standards in the markets of the European Union; increasing the competitiveness of products; use of effective technologies to promote products in domestic and foreign markets.
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