The article emphasizes that in the post-industrial society the sphere of intangible production comes to the fore. Today, intellectual potential, management technologies, the level of market infrastructure development and marketing strategies are of paramount importance. Today, the market of accommodation and accommodation services for hotel and tourism businesses in Ukraine is quite attractive for foreign investors. That is, objectively there are opportunities for market growth. That is why non-residents are interested in the Ukrainian hotel and tourism business. According to foreign practice, marketing is important. The article is devoted to topical issues of development of practical recommendations in the formation of marketing strategies in the hotel and tourism business in the current conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. It is investigated that since the independence of Ukraine the domestic market of hotel and tourist services has started to be formed. The development of this area was caused by the fact that Ukrainians, having visited abroad, were able to compare foreign and domestic hotels, which forced the latter to adjust to international standards. The urgency of the development of the hotel and tourism business of Ukraine against the background of growing opportunities and needs of the population for travel, business trips and other territorial movements is proved. The main factors influencing marketing strategies are analyzed and systematized. The necessity of forming a strategy for the market of tourist services using the experience and technologies of the European market is substantiated, as it historically occupies leading positions in the international sphere of such services, sets the main world trends, provides significant indicators of the world tourist industry. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the tricycle sphere around the world is suffering losses as a result of measures to counter the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the current situation should be considered not only as a problem, but also as an opportunity to bring the tourism industry in Ukraine to a qualitatively new level. It is substantiated that the marketing strategy, in fact, is a comprehensive plan to achieve their marketing goals and objectives, it is a plan that ensures that marketing tactics constantly contribute to the achievement of business goals. Theoretical bases and practical recommendations on development of marketing strategies of development of hotel and tourist business of Ukraine, adapted to the Ukrainian realities in the current conditions of coronavirus crisis are investigated. We believe that an effective marketing strategy helps the hotel and tourism business to take full advantage of the changing environment and minimize the impact of its threats. In addition, companies that have a clearly defined marketing strategy are to some extent insured against the risk of making ineffective decisions in the course of their activities.
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