The article is devoted to the study of methods of cost analysis in real estate management. The author has analyzed the structure of prices, costs and revenues using the grain elevator economy as an example. It is noted that on the grain elevator a set of basic operations with grain is carried out using the same fixed assets, the same staff, so it is very difficult to divide the costs of operations and the calculation is usually carried out on a set of operations. Also, the composition and structure of costs has sectoral characteristics, which significantly complicates the calculations. However, the author has identified costing items that consist of: depreciation of equipment; labor wages; electricity costs; material costs; costs of services of third parties. It is proved that the share of each item in the calculation depends on the type of elevator, the condition of the building and equipment (accumulated wear of all types), the number of employees involved in the technological process of grain processing, the volume of services provided. Based on the analysis of the cost structure of the grain elevator, it is determined that the key services of grain elevator real estate, both from the standpoint of costs and from the standpoint of revenue generation is the storage and drying of grain products. The methods of sensitivity analysis, discount rate differentiation, break-even analysis are applied to determine the critical costs of grain elevator real estate and develop a strategy to reduce them. Based on the calculations, it is possible to determine the main procedures in developing a cost reduction strategy, the main of which are: analysis of the financial report, costing, formation of technical requirements for cost minimization, justification of cost optimization, combination of organizational and technical optimization methods, recognition of human resources as the highest value, introduction of the practice of conducting an annual external audit and others. The author has proved that the prevailing amount in the structure of operating costs is the share of wages with deductions, repairs and replacement of equipment, as well as fuel for drying. Accordingly, the main ways to reduce the total costs associated with the operation of grain elevator real estate are, first of all: investment in mechanization and automation of production processes; use of alternative energy sources, use of domestic high-quality analogues of foreign equipment, with available and relatively inexpensive spare parts and services.
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