Keywords: anti-crisis management, competitiveness, enterprise, resources


The article is devoted to topical issues of modern anti-crisis management. Anti-crisis management has certain features in processes and technologies, its characteristics: mobility and dynamism in the use of resources, changes, implementation of innovative programs; implementation of target-oriented approaches in technologies for the development and implementation of management decisions; increased attention to the preliminary and subsequent assessment of management decisions, the choice of behavioral alternatives; formation and use of an anti-crisis algorithm of actions, etc. Accordingly, the main task of minimizing financial risks, all measures of anti-crisis financial management can be grouped: general measures that enhance the level of economic security of the enterprise and ensure the stability of economic development; special events are a prompt response to current threats that cannot be typified due to the unique nature of each situation and crisis; their choice is related to the level of professionalism of the crisis manager, his intuition and accumulated experience. An anti-crisis program at an enterprise should combine general and special measures. The tasks of anti-crisis financial management are determined: timely carrying out of financial diagnostics of processes and trends leading to crisis situations; analysis, forecasting of events and consequences of a crisis (anti-crisis support); elimination of causes, reduction of threats or termination of their growth; development and implementation of measures to prevent the financial crisis (anti-crisis prevention); elimination of causes, reduction of threats or termination of their growth; development and implementation of measures to prevent the financial crisis (anti-crisis prevention); organization of crisis management; elimination of the company's insolvency; prevention of bankruptcy and liquidation of an enterprise, including by means of reorganization; an extreme case is going through the bankruptcy procedure with minimal losses for the owners of the enterprise; preventing a recurrence of the crisis. The main functions of anti-crisis management are outlined.


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How to Cite
MatukovaН., Bahashova, N., & Matukova-Yaryha, D. (2021). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT: AN ALGORITHM FOR INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF AN ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (32).