Effective functioning of road transport is possible when the quantitative development, qualitative level and condition of roads meet the requirements of road transport. This combination of qualities inherent in the road network is achieved only with a sufficient level of funding for all planned works. But today the road sector is only chronically underfunded. Besides, under the conditions of the steady global trend towards the decrease in consumption of petroleum products in the motor industry on the background of the fast growth in the level of motorization of the society there is a need for large-scale investments in the road infrastructure. Accordingly, the financing of road facilities through excises on fuel from oil products has almost exhausted all its resources. The introduction of additional tolls in the form of a per-kilometer charge, or in some other form, could be a key economic instrument of the government's transport policy. Attracting additional sources of funding or finding alternative sources of funding makes it necessary to change the principles of filling the State Road Fund, that is, the transition to the principle "the user pays" by introducing a new structure of funding sources, which will be formed by road users for the actual use of the road network depending on the mileage of the vehicle, rather than the amount of fuel used. Therefore the article deals with the urgent issues of finding additional sources of funding the needs of road facilities by introducing tolls for heavy-duty vehicles and vehicles with alternative to internal combustion engines (electric cars), and the justification mechanisms of the size of such tolls, which implements the principle – "the user pays". The current state of financing of road economy is analyzed and the normative need in financial resources for the stable development of road sector in Ukraine is given. Substantiation of approaches to formation of tariffs for passage on public roads of state importance from heavy-duty vehicles and ecological transport (electric cars), in which the principle of social justice is implemented – each user pays in the amount proportional to the destructive impact of the vehicle on the road surface, its environmental friendliness and other parameters is given.
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