Through 50 years of its existence, the Starbucks brand has become the leader of the global coffee market in the retail and HoReCa segments. However, the brand continues to develop and conquer new world markets. The brand was expected to enter the Ukrainian market in 2011, but only in early 2021 did Nestle become a distributor of the Starbucks coffee brand. Currently, Starbucks coffee is presented only in the retail segment. This article is dedicated to the development and implementation peculiarities of the PR campaign aiming to bring Starbucks brand coffee to the Ukrainian market. The purpose of the article is to consider modern PR tools that were used to bring the Starbucks brand to the Ukrainian market. Despite a thorough study by theorists and practitioners of digital marketing tools, technologies of PR support and promotion for goods and services on the market and the formation of customer loyalty to them, the of bringing the Starbucks brand to the Ukrainian market with the help of PR has not been the subject of research. This topic appears to be of great importance because of the global brand name and a strong line of competitors in the coffee market segment. The plan of the PR campaign aiming to bring a new product to the market of Ukraine included the use of various tools and communication channels – both classic ones and non-standard ideas. These include press conference (as the main PR tool), a list of questions and answers for conference speakers, writing a speech for the speaker, creative mailing invitation for journalists, brand background, as well as additional tools such as brand influence support, development of a creative mailing list for bloggers, development of a special project on lifestyle media, development an event for lifestyle media. The whole plan of the PR campaign is based on the goals, objectives and budget allocated by the company for PR support. The article analyzes the current opportunities to promote the global brand on the Ukrainian market through PR and will be of interest to scientists and practitioners in the field of economics, digital marketing, PR and media.
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