The object of the study are the processes of development of small innovative entrepreneurship as a basis for successful business in a pandemic. One of the most problematic aspects is the identification of the features of the development of innovative entrepreneurship in a pandemic that have a significant impact on the country's economy. The essence of small innovative entrepreneurship and its features in Ukraine and abroad are analyzed. The peculiarities of modern management theories in the context of the development of small innovative entrepreneurship are determined, in particular: actualization of the intangible component; active transition to digital technologies and business digitalization; change of subject of work at the majority of workers; transformation of organizational structures and corporate cultures. In the process of work general scientific methods were used: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison, systematization. The analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of management is carried out; the main essential features of modern enterprises and management theories, respectively, are determined. It is determined that the theory of management at the present level undergoes significant transformations. In modern theories more and more attention is paid to: the intangible component and the peculiarities of its management; there is an active transition to digital technologies and digitalization of business; there is a need to use new management methods; organizational structures and corporate cultures are changing. This in turn contributes to the purposeful formation and development of such institutions within the organization as:trust and creative atmosphere of productive group work; development of organizational ties within the organization and outside it; development of innovative ability of the company's staff;use of experience of other organizations This provides the possibility of effective modern management by planning the activities of the firm in the short, medium and long term, as well as obtaining the maximum possible profit with minimal costs in a rapidly changing environment.
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