The article clarifies the essence and role of the psychological factor in innovation. It is determined that the human personality is the main innovator and the basic resource of innovative development of society. The key factors that promote and hinder the introduction of innovations are systematized. It was found that the introduction of innovations involves not only production, economic, but also psychological readiness for innovation. It is from the staff, their attitude to innovation depends on the effectiveness of innovation. It has been identified that one of the important psychological factors that suspends or hinders the innovation process is the psychological barrier to innovation. An employee's readiness for innovation is not only a condition that makes a person capable of innovative activities, but also an individual, psychological property that allows you to reproduce everyday activities and generate them with innovations. This factor is due to various aspects: gender, age, qualifications, work experience, personal qualities. It is substantiated that in the management of innovation, determining the strategy of innovation in the enterprise must take into account one of the key psychological factors that can both hinder and encourage innovation - is motivation. The management of the enterprise should be based on an adaptive motivational policy, taking into account both the interests of the enterprise as a whole and the interests of employees. It is described that in the process of innovation it is very important to combine tangible and intangible methods of stimulation, because, as already mentioned, it is a creative process. Employees need to be constantly encouraged to generate new ideas. In addition, it is necessary to remember the internal motives, because the human brain can not always work under the pressure of external factors. It is proved that the psychological conditions for the development of innovation culture are the actualization of the individual's need for innovation, immersion in the innovation environment and involvement in an active group of innovators. The sequence of interconnected procedures and actions of formation of a state of psychological readiness for innovative activity is offered.
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