Keywords: checkpoint, port of entry, border wait times, road transport, Ukraine-EU border


Organizational efficiency of the checkpoint depends on factors of different nature. In recent literature, we have identified a number of research concerned economic, custom, juridical aspects of the checkpoints operations as well as architectural and spatial organization of checkpoints. Long wait times, delays of commercial vehicles and passenger are common at many checkpoints between Ukraine and EU-countries. Therefore, knowing border wait times at the different checkpoints can aid the carriers as well as tourists in making a decision on when and where to cross the border. Nonetheless, wait times information is only one of the number of indicators of the checkpoint’s congestion. The aim of the study is to analyse the wait times at road checkpoints on the Ukraine-Poland, Ukraine-Slovakia, Ukraine-Hungary and Ukraine-Romania sections of the state border. Information about wait times at checkpoints has been collected from online service «Kordon» (https://kordon.customs.gov.ua/uk). Data have been gathered every three hours during a day. The directions of entry to Ukraine and exit from Ukraine for passenger and cargo vehicles have been analysed. Observations were carried out during three periods: summer 2019 (21 July – 26 August 2019), spring 2021 (20 March – 28 April 2021) summer 2021 (21 July – 26 August 2021). Fluctuations of wait times at checkpoints were found out. Wait times varied significantly during the week and even within one day. In general, the Covid-19 pandemic emphasized on that checkpoints vulnerability to force majeure. Quarantine and lockdown measures during the spring of 2021 seriously increased the wait times for trucks, especially at the Ukraine-Poland border checkpoints. Several checkpoints for cars and passenger traffic operated with some restrictions. The prospect for further research is the systematic monitoring of border wait times and data comparison on the load of the checkpoint from different available official sources such as State Customs Service of Ukraine and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. This information is important for objective assessment and strategic decision-making on the redesigning processes and operations in checkpoints.


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How to Cite
Maksymenko, A. (2021). WAIT TIMES MONITORING AT UKRAINE-EU BORDER CHECKPOINTS. Economy and Society, (32). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-32-40