The problem of excessive socio-economic differentiation of territorial communities that differ by the population structure, geographic location, financial parameters of the budget, and level of participation in socio-economic processes requires the consideration of unequal economic capacity in forming and implementing the new public regional policy. The paper addresses the substantiation of theoretical-methodological development foundations and mechanisms reducing the socio-economic differentiation of territorial communities in the context of forming the new regional development paradigm. The modern concept of socio-economic differentiation of the territorial communities’ development is theoretically substantiated and disclosed in terms of dichotomous features of a territorial community (center-periphery interactions, convergence-divergence processes, integration and disintegration of economic space) in conjunction with specific features (settlement type, number and structure of the population, area, financial parameters of functioning). The paper proves that the new regional development paradigm should be oriented more on the endogenous capacity, local knowledge, intensified local development, and securing the community residents’ wellbeing, regardless of the place of residence. It is associated with the need to co-ordinate place-based policies adapted to the specific conditions of the territorial community and the region, and to generate economies of scale in the provision of public services. The conceptual directions of regulating the socio-economic differentiation of territorial communities’ development and boosting the local economic development based on the community-oriented approach to securing the socio-economic development on a local level and differentiated approach to regulating the territorial communities’ development are suggested. The complementarity of approaches will contribute to reducing the level of communities’ socio-economic differentiation, increasing their capacity and improving the well-being of their residents.
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