The article focuses on the essence, manifestations, causes and outcomes of staff demotivation, the search for effective ways to cope with this phenomenon. Demotivation is a consequence of changes in the organization and personal life, a source of employees’ discomfort that is almost inevitable in the organization long run of the organization. Besides, demotivation can be an energy source for some personnel, provoking them to act appropriately. Such cases need to be directed constructively by the leader. Identifying the staff demotivating factors is a key task of company management, as the consequences of demotivation of staff for organizations and individual employees might be critical and crucial. Visible peculiarities of demotivation stages are characterized. The reasons and the outcomes of negative influence on demotivation of personnel are defined. Demotivating factors are analysed and generalized. The correlation between the behaviour of demotivated members and team productivity was revealed. Preventive measures and the ways to overcome the demotivating factors impact on productivity are formulated. The article offers the organization leaders the list of actions how to work with the demotivated personnel, reduce the impact or eliminate demotivating factors. The importance of constructive feedback given by the management to their subordinates is outlined. The depicted BOFF-model (Behaviour – Outcome – Feelings – Future) serves to help in identifying problems, maintaining labour standards and work efficiency. Possible preventive measures to avoid any demotivation manifestation due to dissatisfaction with the task, concerns, resistance to innovation by staff are discovered. The offered methods for finding and diagnosing the causes of staff demotivation are aimed at recognizing demotivation onsets and their characteristics. The study results can serve as a theoretical basis for further motivation systems development in organizations, the decision-making process and changes implementation applying the offered methods to overcome any negative impact of demotivating factors.
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