The agricultural sector plays a key role in the domestic economy and provides the state with additional jobs. In this sense, it is important to understand the personnel provision process of agricultural enterprises, highlight its key components and identify their impact on the effective activity of the enterprise. The article explored interconnection between the personnel provision process and effective operation of agricultural enterprises using an expert approach to solving multi-criteria problems – the analytic hierarchy process. The key criteria for the efficiency of agricultural enterprises are determined: production volume, net profit, profitability of the enterprise, labor productivity. The degree of the selected criteria influence on the activities of the enterprise is determined. So the first priority was given to the profitability of the enterprise with a total numerical value of 2.83; the second-most important is the net profit with a total numerical value of 2.58; on the third place labor productivity (0,88) and production volume (0.7) is in fourth position. Seven significant alternatives or components of the personnel provision process for agricultural enterprise are also identified: compliance between the number of employees and work places, age characteristics of employees, employees’ satisfaction level of working conditions and career development, skill level of employees, educational level of employees, average time spent by an employee in a certain position, compliance between the wage in the enterprise and the average for the industry. The influence of the selected alternatives on the effective activity of the studied enterprises is estimated. After the conducted research, we have the following results: the following alternatives – compliance between the wage in the enterprise and the average for the industry and employees’ satisfaction level of working conditions and career development got the maximum value. Clarification of the positions of the personnel provision process components in agricultural enterprise is invaluable in effective enterprise management.
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