Keywords: transparency, inflation, ecosystem, stakeholders, trust


The purpose of this study is to generate a concept of transparent management of construction companies, based on maintaining a positive image, which, in turn, forms a field of confidence of consumers and other stakeholders in the construction market and helps to increase its competitiveness. Transparency of any ecosystem embodies openness in all senses, first of all openness of information. The current stage of civilization is characterized by the presence of information inflation, ie the growth of the mass of information and its rapid subsequent depreciation (due to aging, loss of relevance, unreliability or complexity of verification). That is why the importance of transparency as the quintessence of quality information is constantly increasing. At the same time, transparency is a determinant of trust in the enterprise of consumers, partners, regulators, government and other stakeholders. The research methods used in the process of writing the article involve the use of general scientific and empirical techniques of economics, based on a systematic approach. In addition, general research methods such as generalization and comparison were used in the process. The main results of the study are to identify the essence of the transparency of the construction company as a determinant of stakeholder confidence in its activities and one of the factors shaping the sustainable development of the enterprise. As a result of the theoretical basis, the concept of transparent management of construction companies was formed, the key features of which are to determine the effect of transparency (as a consistent impact of transparency on the positive image of the company, which, in turn, directly affects the emergence of stakeholder confidence) and transparent personnel policy. The practical value of the proposed concept of transparent management of a construction company is the ability to regulate information flows and divide them into open and closed, in order to allocate a zone of transparency. In this context, information transparency is one of the main prerequisites for ensuring effective public control over the transformation processes aimed at the practical implementation of the strategy of sustainable socio-economic development of the state.


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How to Cite
Khalina, V., Syrovatskyi, O., & Kruhlov, I. (2020). CONCEPT OF TRANSPARENT MANAGEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (22).

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