Keywords: hotel industry, infrastructure, consumers of services, regional development


The regional aspect of hotel development in Ukraine is studied. The place of hotel economy in the structure of regional development of the hospitality sphere is determined. The international experience of hotel industry development is studied, with an emphasis on the development of elite hotel services. The structure of the hotel industry is systematized according to the approach of the World Tourism Organization. An analysis of the development of the hotel industry in the dynamics and in the regional context. It is proved that the functional structure of the hotel industry of Ukraine, represented by both hotel enterprises and motels, hotel and office centers, campsites, youth camps and mountain shelters, dormitories for visitors and other places for short-term accommodation. The share of the number of hotel services in the regions of Ukraine is reflected and analyzed. Program goals have been identified, which is one of the main components of the formation of a program platform for economic development at the regional level. Such program goals include: increasing the level of competitiveness of regional hotel services and creating a favorable institutional environment for the development of the hotel industry. The regional structure of hotel industry development is offered, which allowed understanding the nature of factors influencing the formation and development of hotel industry in the region. Such factors include tourist flows, the presence of social, informational, infrastructural, institutional and other types of resource component, as well as the competence approach in the form of qualified personnel in the field. Two key segments of the hotel services market have been identified. The first category includes independent hotel enterprises, and the second – hotel chains. Given the presence of leading and outsider regions in Ukraine, it is proposed that hotel enterprises unite in hotel or tourist clusters, hospitality associations, etc.


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How to Cite
Matviichuk, L., Lepkyi, M., & Molnar Babilya, D. (2021). REGIONAL ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT HOTEL FACILITY IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (31).