The article considers the main theoretical concepts of financial inclusion, namely its formation, development and necessity today. The conceptual apparatus of financial inclusion and the main elements that make it up are defined, namely: availability of financial services, financial literacy, institute of protection of consumer rights of financial services. The importance of financial inclusion in the strategic priorities of the National Bank of Ukraine for inclusive growth was identified countries as a whole and ensuring the interests of the population. Based on the strategy of sustainable development of the central bank, the main ways to improve financial inclusion in the long run are substantiated. The modern development of financial inclusion is considered and it is defined how its efficiency influences the development of financial services in general and their accessibility, as well as the general characteristic of financial literacy of the population is given. It is substantiated how financial inclusion increases with the help of financial inclusion literacy of the population, while increasing the income of citizens, which helps reduce the financial crisis. The main Strategic directions of creating an inclusive economy in Ukraine in various spheres of society are considered and analyzed. The main distinguishing features that distinguish financial inclusion from other types of economic growth are summarized. The urgency of accelerating the transition of countries to an inclusive market economy and inclusive financial condition of the country is substantiated, using the power of the private sector to create economic opportunities for all segments of the population. The main problems and obstacles that stand in the way of effective state regulation of inclusive growth in Ukraine are identified and, in accordance with this, the main directions of the National Bank for their prevention or elimination are analyzed. The necessity of introduction of strategic development of financial inclusion by the National Bank of Ukraine is proved.
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