The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the lack of validity of approaches to tariff-setting for passenger road transportation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of "tariff-quality" in the system of organization of passenger road transportation. In preparing the article, methods of logical generalization and critical analysis of research results are used, as well as a systematic approach to the analysis of factors influencing the tariff-setting process in the field of passenger road transportation. Tariff-setting is one of the important factors in the organization and provision of passenger road transportation. The scientifically substantiated tariff-setting for passenger transportation is a complex procedure for establishing the feasibility and further application of methods and techniques. This allows to set a fair tariff. This helps to balance the economic interests of transport participants and stimulate demand for transportation. Scientific and economic substantiation of the tariffs’ level is often based on the use of cost or market pricing methods or a combination thereof. At the same time, it is advisable when using these methods to consider the impact of changes in the quality of transport services on the costs of road enterprises, to investigate tariffs from competitors, as well as the process of value formation for users of transport and related services. The article considers the economic features of the organization of passenger transportation by road enterprises. The main factors influencing the quality and efficiency of such a process are highlighted. The economic mechanism of passenger tariff-setting is substantiated. In the structure of the mechanism there are functional components – revenue and expenditure management systems of road transport enterprises, as well as the main levers and forms of tariff-setting. The practical significance of the submitted materials is the possibility of their use for the formation of financial and economic strategy for the development of road transport enterprises, as substantiated tariffs are important for managing revenues and expenditures of enterprises and affect the efficiency and competitiveness of carriers.
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