The article is devoted to topical issues of the use of non-tariff measures in modern international trade, which significantly impede the movement of goods and services between countries, reducing the effectiveness of mutually beneficial international economic cooperation, hindering the development and cooperation of technological industries. The benefits of participants in international economic relations from the elimination of obstacles to mutual trade are confirmed by many years of international experience. The features, advantages and disadvantages of the main methodological approaches to assessing the impact of non-tariff regulation measures on international trade indicators are considered: the method of frequency analysis, the method for assessing the price difference and the associated method for assessing the tariff equivalent, the method for calculating price changes due to quantitative changes in the volume of imports, methods of index analysis and econometric estimates. It is proved that research on the impact of non-tariff barriers focuses on determining such indicators of international trade as the share of imports (in value or number of commodity items), for which non-tariff regulation measures are applied; tariff equivalents of non-tariff measures; change in the volume of exports or imports under the influence of non-tariff measures; change in terms of trade under the influence of non-tariff measures, etc. It was found that all these methods have both strengths and weaknesses related to data availability, calculation and evaluation mechanisms, reliability and relevance of the results. It is substantiated that the main methodological approaches to assessing the impact of non-tariff measures on the indicators of international trade that have been analyzed, provide to some extent an assessment of the level and intensity of these measures for exporters. It is concluded that the advantages and disadvantages characteristic of each of the considered methods necessitate the choice of an appropriate technique, depending on the objectives of the study and the available data.
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