Keywords: competitiveness, empathy card, customer orientation, consumer behavior, product offer, emotional intelligence


Fierce competition in many markets and consumer information overload require effective approaches to identifying the real needs of target audiences. The empathy card is one of the effective tools for identifying the deep needs of the client. With this tool, it is possible to satisfy consumers better than competitors. In today's business environment, customer orientation is becoming the main advantage in the struggle for the consumer. It is studying the conditions of effective use of empathy cards in determining the needs of target groups of consumers and providing them with the most effective offer in comparison with competitors. The article examines the importance of identifying the hidden needs of consumers. It is proved that drawing up a portrait of a consumer based only on socio-geographical features is no longer enough. Compilation of empathy maps allows you to get out of the image of the "average" consumer and visually provide an idea of the real needs of the client. Consumer empathy cards are using to solve marketing problems in the direction of improving the product offer, service and others. The essence of the development of empathy maps by their developer D. Gray is considered. He updated the map, adding the purpose of its compilation, moved the blocks "to whom the card is made" and "what he should do", the block about the thoughts and feelings of the client from the outside to the middle of the "head" of the client. The external and then the internal ones are filled first, connected with the consumer's inner worldview, his pain, fears, disappointments and values, ideas about success, desires and dreams. The process of map development is considered. Not all companies and professionals have moved to the development of empathy cards according to the updated standard. The article also discusses the main mistakes that are making when developing a map of empathy and how to avoid them. Emphasis is placed on the importance of having high emotional intelligence in those professionals who are involved in building customer empathy maps. Sources of information for compiling empathy maps have been identified.


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How to Cite
Kirnosova, M., & Savichevych, O. (2020). USING OF EMPATHY CARDS TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF GOODS IN THE MARKET. Economy and Society, (22).