The article investigates the problem of managing the competitiveness of the university, identifies possible directions for its improvement and develops a mechanism for managing the competitiveness of the university in the market of educational services. It is established that at the present stage of higher education development it is expedient to formulate a comprehensive approach to the formation of university competitiveness, which includes the following areas: improving the basic relations of the university with internal and external environments, using modern principles and improving methods market of educational services. It is determined that the mechanism of managing the competitiveness of the university should include the following structural elements: management goals, management factors, organizational management structure, management resources, methods of influencing factors (directions, tools) and management results. The formation of the mechanism of competitiveness management should be based on a set of principles of systematization, target orientation, taking into account the specifics of activities, information support, use of modern technologies and tools, comprehensive assessment of factors. The proposed mechanism allows to form long-term and sustainable competitive advantages based on the use of various methods and tools, which will result in an improvement of the university's competitive position in the market of educational services. The use of the mechanism allows to determine the level of competition in the market of educational services, to analyze the impact of internal and external factors on the level of competitiveness of the university, to identify the main directions of increasing its competitiveness, to assess the effectiveness of proposed measures. It is proved that a comprehensive approach to managing the competitiveness of the university in a market environment will promote the development of a competitive strategy for its development, which will include educational, business, entrepreneurial and educational activities that meet the general principles of management and principles of forming and maintaining university competitiveness.
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