The article analyzes the development trends of the cloud services market in Ukraine and the world. It is established that the national market of cloud services is still in the stage of active growth and its potential is much greater than available. The peculiarities of the use of cloud services in the activities of entities from different sectors of the economy (financial institutions, pharmacies, insurance companies, travel companies, car companies, retailers, oil and gas companies, renewable energy companies) are considered. The main advantages for business structures from the transition to cloud solutions and the risks to which they are exposed are outlined. The characteristics of economic effects that will be obtained as a result of the introduction of cloud technologies in the public sector are given. The focus is on highlighting a number of issues related to the modification of the entire system of its work (change of business models, operations, processes that will require reorganization and retraining of staff), rising costs in the initial stages of cloud solutions, when there were expectations to reduce negative public opinion (for example, the widespread perception of a lower level of security in the cloud compared to local networks). It is substantiated that the introduction of cloud technologies should be regulated, safe, cost-effective and take into account the individual needs of the subject of cloud transformation. The stages of the process of transferring the IT infrastructure to the cloud are described (development of a migration strategy to the cloud; inventory and audit of the existing IT infrastructure; drawing up a migration plan; drawing up a migration roadmap; migration; optimization). Various business scenarios for the use of cloud services to government agencies and businesses have been proposed (Scenario 1: backup storage; Scenario 2: backup site; Scenario 3: peak load site; Scenario 4: project deployment environment; Scenario 5: cloud migration of all infrastructure and the abandonment of local «iron»), depending on their concepts and capabilities to meet the needs of cloud solutions.
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