Keywords: personnel management, digital technologies, digital economy, chatbots, human resources, knowledge economy


Promotion of digital technologies in the XXI century. requires cardinal transformations of business processes in all spheres of social and economic life. Digital transformations are of particular relevance in the field of HRM (human resource management), which contribute not only to increasing labor productivity, but also to the development of talents. The authors analyze the main trends in human resource management in the digital economy. The rapid transformation of digital technologies, economic and social conditions, the knowledge economy, sharply raises the question of revising the fundamental aspects of human capital management. It is not only about increasing requirements for company employees in connection with the introduction of high-tech products, but also about changing the personnel management model in response to new business requests. HR Managers Must be proficient in modern technology while simultaneously transforming the underlying HR processes by taking a fresh approach to recruiting, talent management, corporate training, and more. Moving to digital workforce includes many options for employers to interact with employees, platforms and tools for building agile organizations and creating new types of jobs. The article analyzes the current global economic and technological trends affecting the transformation of the labor market and the formation of new socio-economic relations in the context of the formation of the digital economy. The authors draw attention to the change in the nature of labor and forms of labor activity, requirements for professional skills. It is shown how the changes associated with the digitalization of the economy directly affect the issues of human resource management. The process of information transformations is investigated, attention is focused on the importance of personnel in the digital development of an organization. The role of the use of information and digital technologies in the personnel management system is determined. Some technologies that give domestic companies new opportunities for the further development of personnel management are considered. Also examples of the use of technologies and the benefits that a company can get by starting to implement them are given.


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How to Cite
Zbritskaya, T., & Soroka, A. (2021). HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (31).