The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in the deprivation poverty of the population of Ukraine since the beginning of the study and to assess changes in connection with the socio-economic crisis. The article considers the essence of the deprivation poverty rate. Information base – households survey of Ukraine. Based on consensus and frequency control, a list of 18 most important signs of deprivation for the population of Ukraine was formed. They are divided into groups: food; non-food products; housing facilities; health care; education; access to social infrastructure facilities. Poverty rate is defined as the proportion of households with four or more deprivation signs. The dynamics of some signs of deprivation in living conditions from the pre-crisis period and the level of deprivation poverty during 2007-2019 are analyzed. In 2015-2017, the level of deprivation and the level of poverty increased significantly – from 22.1% to 32.6%. In 2019, the level of deprivation poverty decreased to 27.6%. However, it did not reach pre-crisis level. The peculiarities of the indicator in cities and rural areas are indicated. In rural areas, the level of deprivation poverty is about 2 times higher than in cities. The main reason is the poor availability of social infrastructure in rural areas. The level of deprivation on various signs in rural areas compared to cities is 5-14 times higher. The ratio of poverty indicators calculated using monetary and non-monetary criteria is shown. The contingents of the poor by the two criteria do not coincide – among the poor on a monetary basis, only 11% are simultaneously poor in deprivation. Based on the socio-political and economic crisis that unfolded in Ukraine in 2014, an assessment was made of changes in living conditions that interrupted the positive dynamics and led to an increase in the level of poverty in recent years. The main factors that influenced the growth of deprivation poverty and the deterioration of living conditions on various signs. This are a general increase in prices for all goods and services (especially during 2014-2015); depreciation of the hryvnia almost 3 times compared to pre-crisis times; destruction in Donbass – housing, social infrastructure, roads, etc.; the emergence of a fairly large category of the population – internally displaced persons. Despite some recent reductions in deprivation poverty, the situation is expected to worsen in the future.
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