For the last almost thirty years, the effect of economic growth from foreign investment in Ukraine has not been observed. Methods of state regulation help to solve this problem more or less qualitatively. Therefore, the urgent task is to improve existing methods of state regulation. Studies of methods of public management of foreign investment processes remain insufficiently systematized and theoretically substantiated. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods of state regulation of foreign investment activity in Ukraine. The research was conducted using methods of analysis, comparison, description of research on public investment management. The analysis of scientific sources shows the diversity of interpretations of the classification and the need to apply methods of state regulation of foreign investment. The main methods of state management of foreign investment at the macro level are analyzed, it is determined that the management of foreign investment processes takes place at two levels: the enterprise level and the territorial level, which in turn has the regional level and national level. At the second level (macroeconomic dimension) there is legislative regulation, control and stimulation of foreign investment activity. The types and classification of such methods are analyzed. The division of all types of methods into tax (including customs) and methods of monetary policy and administrative-financial is proposed. The results of the research of scientists on the impact of tax methods of regulation on the effectiveness of foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine are summarized. Scholars express different opinions, including opposing views on the need to use the instrument of tax benefits to regulate the processes of foreign investment in Ukraine. It is determined that in the process of public management of foreign investment it is necessary to begin the process of formulating the investment goal. The practical value of the article is that it proposes the application of the cybernetic approach as a new look at the processes of foreign investment management, which can be used in foreign investment management.
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