Keywords: personnel management, motivation, corporate culture, personnel, competence, personnel development


The article highlights the problem of the quality of personnel management at domestic enterprises. Since during the period of constant economic changes in our country there are a number of problems in determining a unified approach to personnel management, it is necessary to highlight the factors that have the biggest impact on the quality of personnel management. The article analyzes and systematizes the factors influencing the quality of personnel development management. The functions of competence management at the enterprise level are determined. Giving the fact that the main functions of motivation are to determine the needs of personnel and ensure their satisfaction in the organization, the development of systems of remuneration for the work performed and the use of incentives for effective interaction of employees in teams and at the enterprise as a whole, the relationship between personnel motivation and the development of competencies has been determined. It was also determined that the factors for increasing the efficiency of labor motivation that was described in the article will work if the team in the company is integral and cohesive. Based on this, conclusions were drawn about the relationship between labor motivation and corporate culture. The modern problems of the formation of corporate culture are identified, various points of view regarding the corporate culture at the enterprise and its influence on the quality of personnel management are systematized and analyzed. Taking into account the results of the study, it was concluded that the actors have an equal impact on the quality of personnel management, since personnel management concerns directly the personnel who are involved in all areas of the enterprise and the results of the company's work depend on the personnel. It is proposed, first of all, at domestic enterprises to pay attention to the intangible component of personnel motivation, since at present at most enterprises only material labor motivation is used, and to develop a more comprehensive approach to personnel management to improve the efficiency of the entire enterprise. On the prospects for further developments, it was concluded that now it is necessary to develop a personnel management system that will be based on the principles of humanism and consider the employee not as a resource for increasing profits, but primarily as a person.


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How to Cite
Soroka, O., Unhurian, A., & Arytiunian, A. (2021). IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PERSONELL MANAGEMENT IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (31).