The article reveals the concept of "motivation" and the context that characterizes it. Their types and features for support of work of the personnel stimulating labor activity are considered. The ways which can lead to probable decrease and its increase for labor activity at employees of the enterprises are defined. Methods of providing assessments to determine the level of motivation for staff are provided. It is determined that "need" is an integral part of a person who needs its support and further improvement of the quality of motivational level of employees. Ways to effectively motivate workers are always determined individually and carefully, depending on human abilities. That is why there are problems in assessing the quality of human labor in the staff of enterprises. It became clear that to achieve a high motivational character in the floating important factors, the so-called "stimulation" and "motive". These factors are not an integral part of the realization of motivations in the human nature of society. In this case, each staff has a personal manager with a psychological portrait, which can affect the outcome of work from each of his subordinates. Managers are able to accept not only encouragement, but also the opportunity to experience this result in the enterprise. Most companies have their own staff motivation systems for employees. There is often a need for a new employee to be given additional benefits that provide value to the company. The main reason for the variety of motivation systems is human needs. The emphasis in motivating young professionals is formed in application technologies. The existence of motivational technologies is the most effective system for motivating staff. Much attention is paid to the development of technologies that may include motivational packages for young professionals, provided in the event of increased competitiveness in the labor market. Technologies for motivating staff to help ensure their motives and needs, which will effectively and positively affect their further quality of employment in favor of the status of enterprises, and certain conclusions are made.
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