The growing role of the Internet environment is increasing in business and in everyday life. Due to this phenomenon, there is a growing need to analyze the activities of companies in the Internet environment in building the overall strategy of the enterprise, including the restaurant business. It is the points of contact in the Internet space that are easiest for potential restaurant customers: and much less attention is paid to them than in the offline environment. The purpose of the study is to form a general structure and methodology for conducting Internet analytics of marketing communications of restaurant businesses. The article considers the main components of the analysis of the restaurant business in the Internet environment. Particular attention is paid to brand awareness, site and social networks of the restaurant, information placement on partner resources and customer feedback in the social networks of the restaurant business. The methods of research and analysis of brand recognition in the network are systematized and the importance of assessing the seasonality of brand requests and as a result the seasonality of the industry is proved. The main elements of restaurant site analytics are determined by the following parameters: site content analysis (elements that are on the site), site traffic analysis (number of potential customers who visited the organization's site) and technical site analysis (technical parameters of restaurant site evaluation). The optimal structure of the ratio of the number of visits to the page of the institution from different channels is derived and the characteristics of the main traffic channels are formulated. Criteria for evaluating the performance of the restaurant on third-party, partner sites have been developed. The main parameters of the evaluation of social networks of the restaurant are described and the parameters for evaluating customer feedback are formed. As a result, the article contains a methodology for conducting audits or self-checks for restaurant businesses. Based on this methodology, it is necessary to build a further communication strategy for businesses in the Internet environment and take it into account when building a marketing strategy for restaurants in general.
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