Keywords: financial firmnes, coefficients of financial stability, types of financial stability, financial resources management, ensuring financial stability


The article investigates various theoretical approaches to defining the concept of financial stability. Based on the analysis of economic literature sources, the essential features of financial stability are identified. The necessity of using the analysis of financial stability of the enterprise is substantiated. The most optimal approaches to the analysis and assessment of financial stability of the enterprise are revealed. The main groups of factors influencing the financial stability of the enterprise are clarified. The types of financial stability and importance in the activities of enterprises were considered. It is determined that financial stability implies solvency in the long run, its assessment should be aimed at determining the stock of financial stability. This gives an idea of sales, which ensures the stable operation of the enterprise. Today, one of the main problems of enterprises is the lack of a holistic strategy aimed at ensuring the sustainability of financial and economic activities of the enterprise and sustainable development in the future. The financial problems faced by enterprises are largely identical in their economic essence, and therefore their solution is possible with the help of universal tools and standard measures that form the mechanism for managing the financial stability of the enterprise. The analysis of financial stability on the example of a specific enterprise of PJSC "Concern Khlibprom" for 2018-2020. The ways to improve the situation to ensure maximum development of the enterprise and achieve greater profits are indicated. The importance of planning and control to ensure financial stability is revealed. Recommendations for stabilizing the financial activities of enterprises in conditions of fierce competition have been developed. Using the results obtained in the article by managers and specialists of enterprises will allow increasing the level of validity of organizational and economic measures that are aimed at reducing the risk of insolvency of enterprises and avoiding their bankruptcy. In addition, the obtained results can be applied for the development of strategies of crisis financial management at the enterprises.


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How to Cite
Pryimak, S., & Volkova, O. (2021). DIAGNOSIS OF FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY OF ENTERPRISES IN THE CONDITIONS OF STRENGTHENING GLOBAL COMPETITION. Economy and Society, (30). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-30-58