Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, innovative project, research of innovations, introduction of innovations, investments


The article is devoted to topical issues of innovation project planning based on a systematic approach and cost identification by stages of its implementation. The following elements are singled out as part of innovation activity as a system: analysis of the external environment, analysis of the internal environment, innovation process and lag, innovation and their hierarchy by stages of innovation activity, namely research, investment and implementation and cost center. The analysis of the external environment involves the study of customers, investors, suppliers, the legal framework, financial institutions, energy resources. Analysis of the internal environment includes research on financing, production technology, corporate culture, staff qualifications, technical equipment, risk management, organizational structure. At the stage of the innovation process is the planning, organization, coordination, acquisition or creation of the project and control over these elements. The result of innovation is technological, technical, marketing or management innovation and the effect of its implementation. In order to accumulate information about the process of innovation implementation, accounting sources of information have been formed. As innovative activity at all stages assumes occurrence of expenses taking into account features of branch objects of the analysis which are reflected in the account are grouped. The result of innovative activities can be a change of position in the external environment, which leads to the enrichment of the enterprise. However, in the internal environment there is a dynamic of a number of elements, namely cost reduction, increase in profit, increase in productivity, formation of complex use of raw materials, conditionally waste-free production, increase in productivity, formation of a positive image of the enterprise. The synergistic effect of using the model is to effectively choose the behavior of senior management, taking into account the price situation, achieving competitive advantage, minimizing the impact of market volatility and mutual growth of investment confidence of stakeholders in cooperation.


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How to Cite
Chereshnyuk, O. (2021). PLANNING OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY BASED ON COST APPROACH. Economy and Society, (30).