Keywords: taxes, tax potential, tax system, budget, entrepreneurship, finance


The article is devoted to the current problems of assessing the tax potential of large taxpayers, which are due, on the one hand, the existing needs of fiscal policy, and on the other - the improvement of tax administration in Ukraine. This relationship is determined by the significance of the impact of the tax potential of large taxpayers on the budget of the state in general and its administrative-territorial units in particular. The existing uncertainty of tax legislation in combination with economic realities leads to tax risks, both at the state level and at the level of taxpayers, which negatively affects the development of tax potential. This is largely due to the fact that modern financial science has not yet developed new scientific approaches to assessing the tax potential, its tools are also underdeveloped, need to develop mechanisms for managing tax risks. This article attempts to fill this gap. The conducted terminological analysis allowed to separate the content of tax potential as categories in a narrow and broad sense. Considering modern and classical economic tax theories and concepts, we can highlight the positive role of the tax potential of large taxpayers in the implementation of budget and tax policy of the state. At the same time, the tactical and strategic goals of the tax policy of the state now allow to develop balanced measures to reduce the tax burden on business entities that are taxpayers. The statistical analysis of tax revenues from large taxpayers has identified the development of some recommendations for improving the taxation of rent payments, which address the problem of inconsistency of the current tax regime with the existing market conditions. The recommendations suggest: withdrawal of excess profits of large taxpayers through the flexible application of the income tax rate; application of the adjustment factor in order to determine the amount of income tax in order to account for the tax burden on the industry and on the large taxpayer. The study concluded that in the structure of tax payments of large taxpayers the largest share is occupied by: rent payments, excise tax and environmental tax. Thus, the assessment of the tax potential of a large taxpayer should primarily affect these taxes, as the economic effect of the realization of the tax potential in this area, as well as the associated tax risks will be maximum.


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How to Cite
Havrilenko, N. (2021). UPDATING THE TAX POTENTIAL OF LARGE TAXPAYERS . Economy and Society, (30). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-30-37

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