The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of popularization of national traditional food establishments of rural and green tourism in Ukraine, which are built in the national style (tavern, pub, etc.) or are located in historic buildings. The essence of rural and green tourism was substantiated as one of the promising types of tourism, which successfully combines recreation in rural areas, sanitation and cognition of the historical and cultural objects of the region, and on the other hand – the diversity of economic activities of rural residents (owners) in order to provide own houses to vacationers (tourists) in the form of places for accommodation, meals and other services related to tourism, including using their own family members as workers. It’s determined that the basic concept of restaurants, which provide food services in the field of rural and green tourism is due to the presence of traditional cuisine and general ethnocultural atmosphere. There are mainly classic dishes and drinks of a high level of quality of preparation and service, usually national or author's cuisine. The article presents some food establishments that popularize national Ukrainian traditions. As a result of the study it was determined, that rural and green tourism is a seasonal and goes during warm season, so tourists would prefer outdoor recreation, in which case food establishments need to form open-air restaurant areas (summer restaurants). It’s determined, that summer restaurants could be a full-fledged independent restaurant. The main types of summer restaurants can be verandas, terraces, economy terraces, restaurant-transformer. In the modern world, tourism plays a strategic role in the economies of many countries and in the world economy as a whole. It has a stimulating effect on a significant number of industries, has a high pace of development and contributes to the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of society. For Ukraine, which has significant tourist and recreational resources, the development of tourism industry, which stimulates the emergence of new types of entrepreneurial activity, is promising. The main prospects for further research in this area are to identify strategic directions for the development of rural and green tourism infrastructure in Ukraine, that will improve the quality of the proposed tourism product and increase the number of consumers.
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